All puppy ads for: BeverleyR

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4 Pied and Chocolate and Tan Puppies for sale
4 Pied and Chocolate and Tan Puppies for sale

Van Diemen Dachshunds have 2 litters of miniature dachshunds who really need to find their forever, loving homes now as they are ready to bond. 2 chocolate and tan females and one male, born on the 27th December and 1 female chocolate and tan Pied pup, born 29th December. Both litters are available...

Pure Breed Males and Females Chip (953010007030579), Buttercup (953010007030584), Fern (953010007030568), Gretel (953010007030688), Marta (953010007030948) - - Ross 7209 $1,500 Firm 6 Feb-3:31